Monday, June 29, 2020

Perfectly Made as You Are

Perfectly made as you are
Do not hide your colors
They are a flag for the fallen
A beacon for the beaten
A signal for the saddened
Uplifting those who are weighted
With the grief of living
Do not hide

Fears quietly allayed due to who you are
There is no need to shout
A voice for the silent
A song for the suppressed
A scream for the downtrodden
Calling up those who are plaited
With the strife of living
Do not shout

In the heat you are the shade, the cold star
Do not dash your cares
A trade for the tormented
A tirade for the unrelented
You are a plaything for the restless
Entertaining spirits whose human breath is plaited
With the life of living
Do not dash

In all things:
Do not hide
Do not shout
Do not dash
Your existence enables mine
Though you may think little of your import
Because your value I do not exhort
Trust: it's in the quiet, the murk
the slurry of creation
Comfort is thine - and mine

Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Uncertain Gift

Crying is an uncertain gift
you are adrift
awash, if you will, 
in an emotional swill

When words fail,
enter a dark wale
spilling over time
truth in silver lines

Mocked as weak
labeled for the meek
Don't chide the sublime
God provided our kind

It's no calamity
for humanity
Let go
of the lie you've been sold

The deception of thought
the mind has wrought
can create so-called truth
yet the heart always speaks true